Friday, March 13, 2015

Surrender the need to know

What makes the choice of being in the moment difficult is that you must surrender your need to know. The ego gives you a false sense of knowing, which is comforting, even though the ego doesn’t really know where life is going or what will happen next. So all you really have to surrender is the pretence of knowing, not actual knowing.
The truth is you don’t know what the next moment holds. That’s both the challenge of being in the Now and, actually, the true joy of it. To be in the moment, you have to be willing to just be and to respond naturally to what arises out of the flow, without pretending to know what to do next or what will happen. The thing is, you have never known what was going to happen or what to do next. Admitting that you don’t know allows you to move out of your egoic mind and into the moment, where true happiness, peace, and alignment with Essence and its intentions are possible.
- Gina Lake